Improve Mileage by 18%

Improve Mileage by 18%

Please check out pictures on the left, the car in question.

Please find below the original description added from the owner of that car:

“Dear Mr. Renner, since almost 2 years I have worked with several pens of yours in my machines, with the best results. Now we have fortunately been able to discover from the accounts, that the total annual consumption has decreased by, believe it or not, 18%! In addition to this, there are further wage labours, therefore the actual saving must still be much higher (at least 22%). The annual working hours of the machine were approximately equal (+50 Hours). A great result!

Actually, you would have to schedule the BE-Fuelsaver directly at buying a new machine or car with, so to speak, as additional equipment. The savings effect would be enormous during the machine’s life! Next, I would like to test your new product, the XXL to improve the savings again. I am very Excited about the result and will tell you about it later. (2014)

Best regards
Rudolf Over Hoff”