Improve Mileage and Reduce Emission with the BE Fuelsaver®


The BE-Fuelsaver ® is a metal stick, only a couple of centimetres long, made out of stainless steel.
It is placed in a tank of a car or it can also be put in the fuel line.
It reduces the fuel consumption significantly while also lowering the pollution (up to 90%) and improving the engine power.
Please read the product description to find out which size is needed.

For first time buyers it comes with a 90 day money back guarantee. On top of that there is also a 10-year function warranty!

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The Fuelsaver comes in different size depending on where you want to use it. Please see the following table as a reference:

Fuelsaver Type Best Area of Usage

BE Fuelsaver® XXL

  • Trucks: more than 35 tons

BE Fuelsaver® XLPlus

  • Cars: more than 400 horsepower (300kw)
  • Trucks
BE Fuelsaver® Mplus
  • Cars: between 200 horsepower (145kw) up to 350 horsepower (255kw)
  • SUVs and high end cars.
BE Fuelsaver® M
  • Cars: between 90 horsepower (66kw) up to 275 horsepower (200kw)
  • Smaller trucks and tractors: up to 4 liters in engine size.
BE Fuelsaver® S
  • Cars: less than 90 horsepower (66kw)
  • Cars: up to 2.5 liters in engine size
  • can also be used for Motorbikes or bigger garden tools.
 BE Fuelsaver® XS
  •  For all engines up to 180ccm, including mopeds, chainsaws or lawn mowers.

In general can be said, that the bigger the product size, the better will be the result with regards to

  • mileage improvement and
  • emission reduction.

E.g. if the BE Fuelsaver® Type M is used instead of Type S for the same vehicle, an additional better mileage of 4-8% can be expected.

It is a metal stick which varies in length between 1.02 inches and 3.15 inches, and in diameter between 0.024 inches and 0.04 inches, depending on the chosen fuelsaver type.

Here is a more detailed explanation about how it is possible to improve mileage while reducing car emission:

Hydrocarbon with C-C connections

simplified view of gasoline

Gasoline and Diesel are hydrocarbons which will also have C-C connections (black Atoms). At this C-C connections no oxygen O will react with the C (Carbon). This is the cause for Carbon in exhaust gases.

The stick works as an information carrier and changes the molecular structure of the fuel. In doing so, it optimizes the combustion process in all petrol, gas or diesel powered vehicles. The metal operates as a vibration carrier that energizes the fuel in such a way that it gets broken down during combustion into ionized fuel-chains, leading to an improved combustion and producing fewer toxic waste gases.

The BE-Fuelsaver will crack the C-C bindings during the burning process. Now oxygen will will react with the carbon C. The added bindings with carbon and oxygen will increase the burning power by increasing the part of the gas in the combustion chamber

If you will drive with constant speed under same ambient conditions or in a constant cycle the consumption will decrease by using the BE-Fuelsaver stick. The CO2 content in the exhaust gas does not change because the volume of gas in the combustion chamber without the use of the BE-Fuelsaver is the same as with.

With the higher Oxygen amount during the burning process the CO will be reduced. A reduction of Carbon is in any case measurable.

More scientific explanation


Fuel is a series of C-C and C-H atoms. Through a specific oscillation method that is applied to the stick, the Fuelsaver causes now that the electrons in the C-C and C-H connections are transferred into a higher energetic state. Through that pre-treatment of the fuel, which allows a form of partial plasma can be created in the cylinder.

Plasma is a specific form of matter, where atoms exist in an ionized state, which in consequence creates electric currents and electro-magnetic fields. In this phase the the chemical-physical attributes are completely changed. Normally this kind of plasma can only be generated in very high temperatures, but with the Fuelsaver treatment of the gas, the plasma process starts with relatively low temperatures.

The effect is that the harming gases like CO, HC, NOx, as well as diesel exhaust are drastically reduced. Another side effect is that the BE Fuelsaver also supports a more balanced combustion of the gas and a more balanced pressure distribution in the cylinder, so that peak moments are avoided. The engines runs calmer and more balanced as a result.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A


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